Financial Accounting in Excel - New Business

We will start a comprehensive worksheet in Excel and enter journal entries related to setting up a new business.
Instructed by: Robert (Bob) Steele | Subject: Business, Finance

Financial Accounting in Excel - New Business


Business owners, accounting professionals, and accounting students often have the same problem with accounting. . . that we are focused on one small component of the accounting process and not able to make all the necessary connections to other components of the accounting process to fully benefit from an understanding of how the business runs. Business owners focus on cash flow and revenue, accounting professionals focus on their component of the accounting department and enter data into the accounting software, and accounting students focus on the topic they are currently working on. Accounting professional often focus on one component of the accounting cycle like accounts receivable, accounts payable, or payroll often not having much time to consider the relationship with other areas of the accounting cycle.


  1. Debits & Credits
  2. Excel Fundamentals - Add, Subtract, Sum Function
  3. Journalize Journal Entries
  4. Post Journal Entries to General Ledger
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