Index Mutual Funds: Lower Cost-Risk & High Return Investing!

Investing in Index Mutual Funds And ETF Provide Low Risk and Low Cost Investing Plus Great Returns For Your Investment.
Instructed by: Steve Ballinger | Subject: Personal Development, Personal Finance

Index Mutual Funds: Lower Cost-Risk & High Return Investing! Udemy Coupon


Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who started with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment above the garbage cans) to building a million dollar investment portfolio. No inheritance or luck just good sound actions and one of the core strategies is the use of Index Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) that you will learn about in the course and can replicate for your own personal situation. Top Udemy quality Instructor who has a corporate training and university teaching background and continues to be an active investor who will show you the way to success.


  1. Describe and evaluate the differences between an Actively Managed Fund and an Index Fund
  2. Choose Index Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) that are right for you.
  3. Evaluate Funds based on expenses.
  4. Evaluate Funds based on Risk.
  5. Identify and understand a Target Date Fund.
  6. Describe what is a Fund of Funds (FOF).
  7. Grasp the #1 Risk for both an Actively Managed Fund and an Index Fund.
  8. How to research and choose an Index Fund that's right for them using a couple of free online tools.
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