Rock Solid Wordpress Security - Secure Web Development [Free Course]

Secure and protect your website from hackers and save time, resources and stress.
Instructed by: Jason Rybka | Subject: Development, Web Development

Rock Solid Wordpress Security - Secure Web Development


Secure your Wordpress website today! Having a website is essential to your online identity. Chances are you chose to use Wordpress as a website platform due to its ease and flexibility. Along with the popularity of the Wordpress platform, as with anything else, come risks, security risks. Not everyone on the Internet has good intentions, not everyone wants to see you succeed, there are even a select few that take pride in tearing down what others have created. Secure your Wordpress login and admin area! Don't fall victim to those looking to destroy your site, and don't think for just a moment that just because you aren't some big name that everyone is playing nice. It is the age of the Internet, and Internet security for your website, especially your Wordpress login area, has never been more important. Use the simple steps in this course to secure Wordpress! There is good news! In just a few, simple steps I will show you how to secure your Wordpress installation so you never have to worry about hackers again. I am addressing Wordpress security with a no-code approach so anyone can secure their site. You can rest easy knowing that your site will be there in the morning, just the way you left it, from this point forward. Wordpress Security Best Practices This course is regularly updated to reflect the Wordpress security best practices based on the most current Wordpress version and recent security threats.


  1. Secure your Wordpress website using proven security methods.
  2. Secure your Wordpress installation from hackers and malicious code.
  3. Modify the permissions of key administrative folder and files so they cannot be accessed by just anybody.
  4. Deny access to certain parts of their website.
  5. Use built in server tools to further secure their website by changing common defaults.
  6. Rest easy knowing your site is secure.
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