VFX Basics: Moving from After Effects to Nuke [Free Course]

Step-by-step guide to transitioning your visual effects compositing skills from After Effects to Nuke.
Instructed by: Vicki Lau | Subject: Design, 3D & Animation

VFX Basics: Moving from After Effects to Nuke


If you want to learn how to use industry-standard software, Nuke, to create fancy visual effects (VFX) shots, but you don't even know how to bring in your files - then you're looking at the right course. This beginner course will help you get a head start with Nuke's interface or even help you transition your compositing skills from After Effects - either way, you are introduced to the intimate details of Nuke.


  1. Know what, when and how to navigate and use basic nodes in Nuke
  2. Understand the functional differences between After Effects and Nuke
  3. Translate compositing skills from After Effects to do compositing with industry software Nuke
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