Wordpress Rest API and Ionic 3 CRUD

Create a simple CRUD application using Wordpress as a backend and Ionic 3 on the Frontend
Instructed by: Baljeet Singh | Subject: Development, Web Development

Wordpress Rest API and Ionic 3 CRUD Udemy Coupon


In this course we'll go through the following topics, Set up the Wordpress on our local machine and install the JWT Authentication plugin. Walk through Wordpress REST API using Postman Creating custom post type in WordPress using pods framework and expose its Rest endpoints Setup Ionic framework to use with our Wordpress Rest API Lazy loading Ionic pages Showing Quotes from the Wordpress Rest API custom endpoint and add details page Authenticate a user using the Wordpress Rest API and store the token in the Local Storage Redirect the user if the token is available and create new Quote as the logged in user Updating and Deleting the specific quote using the Rest API with Postman client

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