A beginner's journey to Computers and Python [100% Off]

How does a computer work? How do I program with Python? Find out now by taking this unrushed course!
Instructed by: Benjamin Jack Laubacher | Subject: Development, Programming Languages

A beginner's journey to Computers and Python Udemy Coupon


There aren't enough moderately paced and scripted courses on Udemy. I have therefore taken the initiative to create a moderately paced and scripted course on the architecture of computers and Python. Whether you have or haven't programmed before; this course offers you the perfect opportunity to approach Python, the world's most powerful and popular programming language, the right way. Prior to learning how to program with Python, you will learn about how computers work and how they allow individuals and companies to write systems software (IOS, Android, et cetera), and applications software (Whatsapp, Itunes, et cetera). Mediocrity dictates programmers to learn a programming language. That's it. Plain and simple. Excellence dictates programmers to understand the fundamentals of computer science, i.e computer architecture, and to learn a programming language! Though it's a harder route to pursue, it'll reveal itself as far more rewarding than the first! Take this easily understandable, clearly laid out course if you're sick and tired of mediocrity and ready for excellence!


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