Create WordPress Website 2018 with SEO & HTTPS - Free [Free Course]

Follow step by step video to be confidently able to setup your own secure WordPress business website
Instructed by: Kim Muellner | Subject: Design, Web Design

Create WordPress Website 2018 with SEO & HTTPS - Free Udemy Coupon


Create WordPress website 2018 today, with this step-by-step video. We will build a WordPress website with latest 2018 version of WordPress when this video was created. Even if you can't code, (I can't code myself) I will show you detailed steps that you will be CONFIDENTLY create WordPress website 2018 version that features: HTTPS secure badge. Insecure WordPress website is yesterday, let's move on to "Secure" websites. Sticky menu header on all devices. Sticky menu header on mobile will increase your visitor's experience. Testimonials and portfolios to attract your potential clients. Schema-optimized business profile. Internal & External SEO steps. I am so excited to help you to create WordPress website 2018 version!.

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