Find the Right Style of Meditation for You [Free Course]

Learn the World's Most Effective Meditation Techniques For Stress-Relief, Focus, and Well-Being
Instructed by: Jevan Pradas | Subject: Health & Fitness, Meditation

Find the Right Style of Meditation for You Udemy Coupon


Not everyone has the same favorite food. Not everyone enjoys the same workout program or has the same taste in music. Why should meditation be any different? Test out a variety of meditation techniques to find your favorite. If you are new to meditation, you might be overwhelmed by the marketplace of different meditation techniques. Should you be practicing mindfulness of breathing? Should you have your very own mantra? What on earth do those Zen masters mean when they say "Just sit"? Or maybe you have been meditating for quite some time but haven't found the success you hoped for. You may be thinking that the style of meditation you have been practicing doesn't actually work, and that there is a better technique out there.

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