How to Understand Informal British English: London [Free Course]

A Fun and Interesting Guide to Understanding Informal Spoken English from the Uk and Especially London
Instructed by: Christopher hanson | Subject: Language, English Language

How to Understand Informal British English: London Udemy Coupon


Improve your listening skills and increase your communication ability to communicate with native speakers in this comprehensive course. Many people study English for years and are able to speak and understand formal English without any problems. However, when it comes to understanding more informal English in casual settings, many of them have problems, especially when they come to the United Kingdom and in particular London. One reason, I believe, is the diversity of accents within the country and even within cities. People may know the words that the speaker is saying. However, because the way of pronouncing them can vary so much, a person without experience may struggle to understand. In this course, I will show you some of the major ways that informal speech can differ from the formal speech that is taught in textbooks. By the end of this course, you will be able to understand native speakers and everyday media without any problems.

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