Mastering Cubase 9: Deep House Production (Theory Edition) [100% Off]

Learn the Theory behind Electronic Music Production covering everything from House Music Theory to Mixing and Mastering
Instructed by: Federico Soler Fernández | Subject: Music, Production

Mastering Cubase 9: Deep House Production (Theory Edition) Udemy Coupon


The Mastering Cubase 9 Series are dedicated to one of the most popular and powerful DAWs available today. Join me to learn EVERYTHING you need to get up and running fast on Deep House Music with these in-depth Cubase 9 video tutorials. In this first edition of the Deep House Production mini-series I've managed to collect all the theory necessary for you to take on the deep house world. I’ll be first walking you through the drums and percussion concepts, chords theory and chords section moving into the SFX section and Arrangement patterns.

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