Landing Page Optimization (Copywriting) for a Lead Magnet

Learn how online copywriters use lead magnets and direct-response tactics to optimize landing pages that generate leads.
Instructed by: Alan Sharpe | Subject: Marketing, Content Marketing

Landing Page Optimization (Copywriting) for a Lead Magnet


A whopping ninety-six percent of people who visit your website are not ready to buy anything during their first visit. If you want them to come back a second time, you need to capture their names and email addresses. But there's your challenge. Most website visitors don't want to give you their name and email address. Website visitors are the online equivalent of retail shoppers who are approached by a salesperson. Offline, the salesperson asks, "May I help you?" And how do you reply? "No thanks, I'm just looking." Online, those infuriating pop-up ads ask you for your name and email address, and what do you do? You say, "I don't think so." And you click away. This is where lead magnets come in. A lead magnet is something of value that you offer your website visitors in exchange for their contact details. They get the lead magnet. You get the lead. But ONLY if your landing page is effective. Welcome to my course, How to Write a Landing Page for a Lead Magnet. I've been writing direct-response copy since 1989. I've written in all of the channels: offline, online, outdoor, mobile, radio, television, video and social. On Udemy, I teach copywriting to over fourteen thousand students from one hundred and forty-two countries. I'm one of the top-rated instructors in the copywriting niche on Udemy. Learn How to Generate Leads with a Landing Page Magnet This course teaches you how to use direct-response copywriting tactics to write landing pages for lead magnets. Landing pages are different from other types of web pages. And landing pages for lead magnets are different from other types of landing pages. At the end of this course, you’ll know how to write a landing page that persuades visitors to give you their name and email address. In other words, you'll know how to write direct-response copy that generates online sales leads. This course is divided into ten essential lessons.

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