Visual Thinking: Solve Challenges with the Power of Visuals [100% Off]

Learn to Solve any Business Challenge using Visual Thinking. Improve your ability to come up with New Ideas.
Instructed by: buildthepipe instructors | Subject: Personal Development, Productivity

Visual Thinking: Solve Challenges with the Power of Visuals Udemy Coupon


Do you know who “Jack” Welch is? As CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch's management skills has become almost legendary but….he is also an exceptional example of a Visual Thinker. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at his background. Jack Welch was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GE from 1981 to 2001. During his 20 years of leadership in this position, Welch increased the market value of GE from $14 billion to more than $410 billion. One afternoon, while Jack Welch was trying to explain his new vision for GE to his wife, he decided to sketch out the strategy on a cocktail napkin. The sketch showed three circles, labeled Services, High Technology, and Core. A number of GE business units were listed inside and outside the circles. Any business unit outside the circles would have to be fixed, sold, or closed. Over the next few weeks, Welch shared and refined his model with everyone who would listen. And, thanks to his vision written on a napkin, the company’s market value grew almost 30 times over the next twenty years.

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