Advanced CSS and Sass: Take Your CSS to the Next Level! [Free Course]

The most advanced and modern CSS course on the internet: master animations, flexbox, responsive design, and so much more
Instructed by: Jonas Schmedtmann | Subject: Development, Web Development

Advanced CSS and Sass: Take Your CSS to the Next Level! Udemy Coupon


Have you been coding CSS for some time, but want to take your game to the next level? Do you feel confused with CSS jargon like inheritance, specificity or the cascade? What if there was one resource, one place, where you could learn all the advanced and modern CSS techniques and properties you've been reading about? Good news: there is! Welcome to "Advanced CSS and Sass", the most advanced, the most modern, and the most complete CSS course on the internet. It's everything you want in an advanced CSS course, and more. You will learn complex CSS animations, advanced responsive design techniques, flexbox layouts, Sass, CSS architecture, fundamental CSS concepts, and so much more. Like in all my courses, you will build beautiful and carefully designed projects, that will make you proud of yourself and leave you ready to build complex projects on your own. After finishing this course, you will: 1) Be up to speed with the most modern and advanced CSS properties and techniques; 2) Have mastered the cutting-edge layout technologies Flexbox and CSS Grid; 3) Be ready to build responsive layouts for all kind of devices and situations; 4) Truly understand how CSS works behind the scenes; 5) Be able to architect large CSS codebases for reusability and maintainability using Sass. Please note that this course is NOT for absolute beginners, so you should already be at an intermediate level in HTML and CSS (please check out my other course if that's not the case). This course is massive, coming in at 20+ hours. Here is exactly what you will learn: • Tons of modern cutting-edge CSS techniques to create stunning designs and effects: clip-path, background-clip, mask-image, background-blend-mode, shape-outside, filter, backdrop-filter, object-fit, transform, column-count, hyphens, perspective, calc() and custom CSS properties; • Advanced CSS animations with @keyframes, animation and transition; • Advanced CSS selectors, pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements required for modern CSS development; • How CSS works behind the scenes: the cascade, specificity, inheritance, value processing, the visual formatting model, the box model, box types, positioning schemes and stacking contexts; • CSS architecture: The 7-1 rule, component-based design, the BEM methodology, writing reusable, maintainable and scalable code; • Introduction to Sass: variables, nesting, partials, imports, mixins, functions, extends, and more; • Using Sass in real-world projects: setting global variables, building for reusability, architecting CSS and managing media queries; • The NPM ecosystem: setting up a development process to compile Sass and automatic browser reload, and creating a build process to concatenate, prefix and compress CSS files; • Modern responsive design: fluid grids, layout types, flexible images, using media queries to test for different screen widths, pixel densities and touch capabilities; • Advanced responsive design workflows: mobile-first vs desktop-first strategies, selecting breakpoints, em vs rem units and feature queries to test for browser support; • Responsive images in HTML and CSS for faster pageloads: resolution switching, density switching, art direction; • SVG images in HTML and CSS: how and why to use SVG, generating SVG sprites, changing SVG colors in CSS and best practices; • Videos in HTML and CSS: building a background video effect; • Flexbox layouts: main concepts, introduction to both flex container and flex item specific properties, advanced positioning techniques applied to a huge real-world project; • CSS Grid layouts: main concepts, CSS grid vs flexbox, and layout techniques applied to a real-world project. This part alone could be an entire course!

Course Info