TypeScript, Angular, Firebase & Angular Material Masterclass

Build a Single Page Application(SPA) from Scratch using Angular. Learn basics of TypeScript, Firebase & Angular Material
Instructed by: Siddharth Ajmera | Subject: Development, Mobile Apps

TypeScript, Angular, Firebase & Angular Material Masterclass Udemy Coupon


Following is the Curriculum followed in this course: TypeScript, Angular Application Architecture and Angular CLI Angular Modules and Angular Components. Angular's Component LifeCycle Hooks Dependency Injection In Angular Routing Services Directives Pipes Forms Custom Decorators Angular Material Firebase TypeScript, Angular Application Architecture and Angular CLI What is a Single Page Application Why Angular Types Let, Const Class, Interface Fat Arrow Functions Decorators Modules What is Angular CLI and how to use it. Basic tasks (ng serve/build/test, ng generate component/service/directive/pipe) Architecture of Angular Applications Built using Angular-CLI Change Detection strategy (Zones) - Theoretical Angular Modules and Angular Components @NgModule Angular Application Bootstrap Mechanism @Component Data/Property Binding View Encapsulation Inter-component Communication (@Input/@Output, Event Emitter) Template variables (ViewChild/ContentChild) Content Projection(ng-content) Templates – will be covered as part of components Metadata – basic overview Lifecycle hooks Order and triggering of each hook Hooks specific to Components and Decorators Dependency Injection(Providers) Dependency Injection - Why? Dependency Injection - As a design pattern Dependency Injection - As a framework Dependency Injection - What? Injectors and Providers Hierarchical Dependency Injection Routing Child routes Route params Route Guards - CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate, Resolve, CanLoad Services(@Injectable) Service as a singleton, data sharing. HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams Observables with Operators like map, subscribe, catch, retry etc Subjects Sharing data across Components using Service Directives(@Directive) Built In Structural Directives - NgFor, NgIf, NgSwitch Built In Attribute Directives - NgClass, NgStyle, NgNonBindable Building a Custom Structural Directive Building a Custom Attribute Directive Pipes(@Pipe) Build in Pipes Building Custom Pipes Pure and Impure Pipe Forms Template Driven Forms Reactive forms Form Validations Custom Synchronous form validations Custom Asynchronous form validations Custom Decorators Metadata – deep dive Building Custom Class Decorator Building Custom Property Decorator Integrating with Third Party Libraries Material Design Bootstrap Angular Material Firebase


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