Cloud Load Balancer on AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure [Free Course]

Deep Dive into the classic and network load balancers of Azure, AWS and Google Cloud Platform.
Instructed by: Velizar Todorov | Subject: IT & Software, Network & Security

Cloud Load Balancer on AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure Udemy Coupon


This course presents the transport layer 4 load balancing components of Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud. The load balancer services of Layer 4 in the OSI network reference stack provides network-level distribution of traffic across instances. The 3 sections of this Training Course are intended, first of all, to all the fans of the art of the cloud, the IT technicians and System Administrators, Network administrators, Developers, Operations engineers, IT Managers and other IT professionals. The course evolves from INTERMEDIATE to EXPERT level. Even possible for BEGINNERS. In case where the beginners, scrupulously follow the lessons and especially the explanatory animations ,they could also acquire sufficient knowledge to be able to reproduce some exercises with cloud load balancer. The author is developing the lessons in a "gradual way", usually starting with some academical theory basic level presentation and increasing the difficulty. For the advanced users please use to jump and forward the basic level sessions and definitions. Nevertheless, sometimes even for the Advanced users it’s useful to refresh their knowledge with the academical information. The training is a good guidance for AWS experts to discover the Microsoft Azure Load Balancer through the detailed explanation in the introduction chapter and the labs of implementation of Microsoft Azure Load Balancer. As well the specialists of Microsoft Azure could be inspired from the AWS and Google Cloud “Load Balancer” Labs in this course. For the System Administrators who are experienced with load balancers on premise, this course is a good guidance for cloud adoption of the Cloud Load Balancer services. The functionalities are shown through examples that could be used in production. Viewers should have a basic understanding of the cloud and cloud terminology. Basic understanding of OSI model and networking. For those that would like to refresh their knowledge about the OSI Model please refer to the General Information of the first section of this course. (the Microsoft Azure section). The Learning Objectives for the course are: - Learn what categories of Azure, AWS and Google Cloud Load Balancers exist - Install or implement Google Cloud Platform Load Balancer. - Learn how you can combine the Load Balancer with another GCP cloud services.

Course Info