How to make an Ecommerce Chatbot for your Shopify Store [Free Course]

Go Live in 1hr & Increase your Sales! Get 75% Open Rates, Auto Upselling & Abandoned Cart Recovery and Increased Sales
Instructed by: Stefan Kojouharov | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing

How to make an Ecommerce Chatbot for your Shopify Store Udemy Coupon


In the next 1hr you will learn what features are driving ecommerce growth via bots and you will be given the tools so you can create a smart, ai-powered bot for your online store in the next 1hr! How are Brands Winning you ask? 75% Open Rates! Consider the typical funnel, for every 100 site visitors, about 25 will give you their email (if you’re good) and when you email those 25, about 15% will open the email and then 5-10% will click on the links. In end, the average e-commerce website converts 1-3% of the traffic into sales. Messenger Marketing Chatbots can dramatically increase this number, here is how. Imagine that we sent the 100 users to our Shopify Bot instead, what would happen? Well, all 100 would be in our Messenger channel and we would be able to message them at anytime. Right off the bat, we are able to contact everyone that interacted with out bot instead of just the 25% that gave us their information. What makes bots so powerful, is that users don’t have to sign up and give us their info. We get this automatically by virtue of users using out bot! … it gets even better Next, when we message our 100 users, typical open rates are 75% and click through rates as high as 50%. In the end, this results in conversation rate of over 3% on the low end! We want to send as much of our traffic to our bot as possible. We can send Website traffic by implementing the Facebook Messenger Plugin to our site. This takes about 5 minutes to do. This is one of the keys to chatbot marketing. This is one of the ways big brands are winning with Bots!

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