Machine Learning In The Cloud With Azure Machine Learning [100% Off]

Introduction to machine learning in the cloud with Azure Machine Learning.
Instructed by: Manuj Aggarwal | Subject: Development, Development Tools

Machine Learning In The Cloud With Azure Machine Learning Udemy Coupon


The history of data science, machine learning, and artificial Intelligence is long, but it’s only recently that technology companies - both start-ups and tech giants across the globe have begun to get excited about it… Why? Because now it works. With the arrival of cloud computing and multi-core machines - we have enough compute capacity at our disposal to churn large volumes of data and dig out the hidden patterns contained in these mountains of data. This technology comes in handy, especially when handling Big Data. Today, companies collect and accumulate data at massive, unmanageable rates for website clicks, credit card transactions, GPS trails, social media interactions, and so on. And it is becoming a challenge to process all the valuable information and use it in a meaningful way. This is where machine learning algorithms come into the picture. These algorithms use all the collected “past” data to learn patterns and predict results or insights that help us make better decisions backed by actual analysis.

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