Podcasting - The Basics [100% Off]

Dwayne covers off the Basics of Podcasting for the Beginner
Instructed by: Dwayne Richards | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Podcasting - The Basics Udemy Coupon


The Basics of Podcasting... for the Beginner Dwayne Richards covers off the Basics of Podcasting for the beginner The Basics of podcasting for the novice Getting Started Four Types of Podcasting Tools for Podcasting Five Reasons to Podcast Five Things iTunes Demands of all Podcasters Basics of Podcasting Wrap Up with Dwayne Richards Podcasting - The Basics I did it and now, so can you! After telling myself for almost 2 years I need a podcast, I can now say I am the Host of the Comm Cafe Podcast and the Co-Founder of Podcast Buddies. I teach people like yourself to "Launch" your own show. What is a podcast? A podcast is episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download at listen to when they want.. It is often available for subscription, so that new episodes are automatically dowloaded via web syndication to the user's own local computer, mobile application, or portable media portable media player. I'll admit, my first episode was not so great, episode 51 was amazing. There is no perfect podcast, your podcast will grow with you. The biggest challenge is to hit the record button and record that first episode. Dwayne Richards Dwayne is a people-focused operations professional who has worked for both multi-national and privately owned Canadian corporations in 5 different industries over the past 15 years. Dwayne is a Chartered Professional Accountant who values authentic business relationships and clear communication. He is constantly tracking and assessing sales, marketing, and financial tools in the interest of automating operations, so that entrepreneurs have more time to do what they love.


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