12 Easy Steps To Pick The Best ICO + Exclusive Review Sheet [Free Course]

Don't get fooled by fake hype or paid youtubers to invest your funds in shady or unpromising ICOs. Do your own research!
Instructed by: Mihai Catalin Teodosiu | Subject: Business, Finance

12 Easy Steps To Pick The Best ICO + Exclusive Review Sheet Udemy Coupon


Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) are the newest type of fundraising today and I really think it will become the de facto method of launching startups in the coming years. In 2017 alone, ICOs raised over 6 billion dollars all together and this figure will definitely grow exponentially in 2018 and in the years to come. However, only a few of these ICOs (maybe less than 5%) are actually projects worth investing in, with the remaining 95% of them being weak and unpromising projects or even scams. Lots of people lost their money by blindly investing in shady ICOs only because of well thought marketing campaigns or paid YouTube promoters shilling almost any ICO just for the sake of getting some Bitcoin in return. This course will definitely help you build your own ICO analysis system before even thinking of sending your BTC or ETH to some address out there, in the dark. You will learn 12 criteria I used over the past year to filter out any questionable ICO that people tried to convince me it's the next Bitcoin or Ethereum. Of course, as with any investment, ICOs carry a great amount of risk, even if the stats and analysis show that the project and team are legit, but this system will help you minimize risk to a tolerable level in a world where everyone and their mom are now launching a token. So, besides running each ICO through the review sheet I will provide you with, my advice is to question everything ICO-related, be aware of any red flags that might occur during your analysis and don't let yourself convinced to invest in any ICO only because of hype or a shiny website.


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