16 Art Therapy Exercises with Drawing & Painting + Crafts [100% Off]

16 exercises to relax your mind while expressing yourself through art that includes drawing, painting & crafts
Instructed by: Tatiana Ambrose | Subject: Lifestyle, Arts & Crafts

16 Art Therapy Exercises with Drawing & Painting + Crafts Udemy Coupon


Are you looking for different hands-on art therapy exercises to complete? Then this is the perfect workshop for you to join! ART THERAPY gives you the ability to express yourself freely through different art forms. In this workshop we will be going through different art therapy exercises that include drawing, painting and creating art in different forms. The reason for these different exercises is for you to get in touch with your emotions and express your unique self in the process. These exercises include: Mandalas Coloring Painting Expressing yourself with music Crafting your ideal day Looking at your past, present and envisioning your future self Exploring and expressing your emotions in an artistic way My name is Tatiana Ambrose and I am a creative artist and instructor. I have always loved to create art with all different media and through the years have discovered just how therapeutic and relaxing it is. Art therapy is about expressing yourself and achieving mental balance. In this art therapy workshop, I do not want you to focus on perfecting your exercise but rather see where each exercise takes you and to just go with the flow. I hope that by the end of this workshop you have a handful of art therapy exercises that you absolutely loved and continue to express yourself through art from here on forward! If you're ready to start, enroll in this workshop today and let's get started!


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