Guided Meditations for Stress, Anger, Fear and Distraction [100% Off]

Meditation Healing Sessions for Deep Relaxation, Healing, and Living a Mindful Life
Instructed by: Joseph Drumheller | Subject: Personal Development, Meditation

Guided Meditations for Stress, Anger, Fear and Distraction Udemy Coupon


Guided Meditations for Stress, Anger, Anxiety and Distractions is a focused meditation course, concentrating on four specific ‘hot button’ topics we all face in the 21st Century. The intended outcome of the course is to provide lasting relief to students who struggle with these issues. The meditations in this course are not casual meditations. There are full-on healing sessions, designed to heal these specific unwanted influences. Healing energy is transmitted in each meditation and intent student involvement in required to gain the maximum benefits. Course material will be presented through video lecture, text summaries, homework contemplations, and guided meditations. Students will come away feeing better, with a profound sense of inner awareness, and meditation tools they can use in the for the rest of their lives.

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