Operating Systems: Master Operating System Concepts [100% Off]

Understand operating systems, Be able to explain operating system concepts.
Instructed by: Lukáš Vyhnálek | Subject: IT & Software, Operating Systems

Operating Systems: Master Operating System Concepts Udemy Coupon


Have you ever wondered how is it possible that your computer works? How is it possible that your application is able to run on multiple devices? How is it possible that multiple applications can run at the same time? all of that works because of Operating System. Save your time by taking this course, in this course, you will learn what is an Operating system, and how it works. This course should teach you how operating system works, how multitasking works, how scheduling works, what is a process, thread, deadlock and so much more. Also, I am here to guide you, my job does not end by making video lectures. So if you have any questions about anything You can always reach out to me, and mostly I respond within a day. Another thing I want to mention is that I believe that fast and engaging lectures are better for students, because they keep them concentrated, if you have a slow lectures, students get bored and learns nothing so that is why this course is designed to be fast, I manage to squeeze all the important things into few hours course. So do you wonder how operating system works? I believe you found the course for you. Thanks for your time and I will see you in the course.


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