Planning and Time Management to Hack Productivity [Free Course]

Planning and Time Management to Double Your Productivity - Set, Plan, and Achieve Your Life's Greatest Goals
Instructed by: Krisztina Igaz | Subject: Personal Development, Productivity

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Are you STRUGGLING with your life? Do you want to become more productive in Life? Do you want to achieve your life’s greatest goals efficiently and effectively? Stop searching now and welcome to “Planning and Time Management to Hack Productivity” course. It must have taken you a while to get here but believe me that you have arrived at the right destination. Time management skills and proper planning are essential for a productive workplace, but they don’t just happen. Deliberate time management and planning habits which focus on specific strategies for a growth mindset will result in increased productivity and higher performance. This course will provide participants with strategies and skills to develop a healthy balance that allows for both personal and professional growth by staying focused and determined on the present and setting achievable goals for the future. Productivity is a measure of how much you produce or achieve and not how many minutes you spend working on your tasks. To get more done and be more productive, this course provides a system off setting targets and managing your time. So you can achieve easier and faster your desired outcomes. To come up with a strategy for time management, you need to know yourself. You need to understand your personal preferences and has to have a fair amount of self-discipline. Understanding human nature and the factors that most often sabotages intentions can greatly help you to schedule and manage your time your time in a way to get the most out of your efforts. KEY COURSE TOPICS – A brief insight of each section of this course: Vision – Vision is the starting point of all great performances. This course will provide ideas on how to be clear to effectualize your personal vision. Personal vision is the push behind creating and aligning goals to a bigger image for your future. Creating a compelling personal vision drives the passion that creates an emotional connection to the daily actions that will ensure that you achieve your dreams and complete your life. Defining your personal vision has an impact on all aspects of your life. This course creates time management, productivity and planning ideas which define your personal and business objectives and therefore assist you to live life as you desire.

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