Script Writing & Recording Voice Over for Explainer Videos [Free Course]

Learn how to write clear scripts & record engaging voice overs at home for Explainer Videos
Instructed by: Mary Ingrassia | Subject: Business, Sales

Script Writing & Recording Voice Over for Explainer Videos Udemy Coupon


A good script has the power to grab a potential buyer’s interest AND be informative at the same time, while also being clear and concise. If you are a small business, startup company or freelancer, learn how to WRITE YOUR OWN SCRIPTS for animations, commercials & explainer videos! Explainer videos are proven to engage audiences and increase retention. These videos are great for business commercials, startup advertisements, presentations, and even lessons for students created by teachers -- but at the heart of a good explainer video is a GOOD SCRIPT. My course features tips on how to keep your writing Simple & Clear. Discover “The 4 Step Writing Formula”, and learn how to get KEY information to help successfully write a script! A good voice over is also a key component to an ENGAGING video. You want to sound clear and professional, but how can you do that on your own & from within your own home? My course also features tips on how to warm up & prepare for voice over recording, how to improve your vocal performance, advice on your technical setup, and how to edit your voice over.

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