Introduction to Game Development with Unity [Free Course]

Quick and simple video guide to get you up and running with Unity game development
Instructed by: Yohann Taieb | Subject: Development, Game Development

Introduction to Game Development with Unity Udemy Coupon


This course is the fastest way to get into making games. We will be using the Unity engine because it's powerful and free. We'll start learning how to download and install Unity on your computer. Then we will get familiar with the user interface. We will then go over building levels by adding 3d objects of all shapes, such as spheres, cubes and cylinders. Then we'll go over the different lighting effects and cameras to make the game look fantastic. Finally, we'll go over physics and materials to have the game behave like in the real world Enough said, let's get started. Important: This course is part of a the world's one and one series on Unity professional multiplayer games. The content is so big, it couldn't fit in one course. Here is the courses are split in key areas: There are so many tutorials, guides and courses out there, that it’s hard to know how to start learning how to code, game development, and even harder to know in which order you should take the courses. We’ve decided to focus on Unity rather than other platforms because the team behind Unity has a great vision. They are always on top of things. Each time a new device comes out, they add support for it and also create special libraries for it. We believe you should focus on Unity as well. We want to make sure you do by providing you the best learning material at the best prices For example, Oculus Rift and Samsung VR are fully operational on Unity 5.

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