The Easy Way To Build An Affiliate Website Using Wordpress [Free Course]

This is a Beginner's course on setting up Wordpress, uploading a theme like Product Hunt and adding affiliate products.
Instructed by: Rich Peterson | Subject: Marketing, Affiliate Marketing

The Easy Way To Build An Affiliate Website Using Wordpress Udemy Coupon


Are you looking for a quick course on getting started with Wordpress, uploading a theme and selling affiliate products? Within this course, we'll look at how to purchase a unique theme that allows you to: Add products to categories Have visitors suggest their own products (optional) Insert affiliate links to external products Display the views on listings to build social proof Allow people to upvote the products they love (like Product Hunt) The upfront cost for the domain name, theme and hosting recommended in the course is around $150 and the ongoing yearly cost is around $100. To keep it simple, the course recommends using Namecheap but feel free to use your current host or any of the other hosting companies available. If you've got questions before you sign up, let me know and I'll be happy to help.

Course Info