Windows Hacking and Security

Learn to HACK, and SECURE a Windows Network.
Instructed by: Agaba Philip | Subject: IT & Software, Network & Security

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Microsoft Windows is the most popular, the most ubiquitous operating system in the world. It’s present on Servers, Clients and mobile devices. In fact, chances are good, that, if you walk into any building today, you’re gonna find, at least, one device, running some version, of the Windows, operating system. At my day job, I’m responsible for, the administration, and security, of dozens, of Windows Servers, and hundreds, of Windows Clients. Speaking of security, we often think of hackers, as people who are external to the organization. So we deploy software firewalls, hardware firewalls, proxy servers, intrusion detection mechanisms, and physical-access measures to keep external intruders at bay. But the truth is, external attackers are not the only threats to the security of our business. A competent security administrator understands that company employees, are just as likely to do harm, as external attackers. And this is a real problem because, trusted employees already have access to the company’s network, they have authorization to go in and out of the building, and this makes it much more difficult to impose security measures on trusted entities.

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