Methods To Improve Your English Fluency

Methods for memorizing English vocabulary, and methods for improving your reading, listening and speaking skills!
Instructed by: Rance Keating | Subject: Language, English Language

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The course has four main parts. Using correct memorizing, reading and listening strategies will result in a higher level of speaking fluency, so we will look at these different skills in detail, one by one: 1) Memorizing Vocabulary Effectively The first part focuses on vocabulary. Some students have a habit of using translation too much when they memorize English vocabulary. They focus on making mental connections between the English vocabulary and their first language's vocabulary, which results in vocabulary that is very easy to forget. The connection is very thin when using translation. So when speaking in English, the words don't come to mind very quickly, and the student needs to search for the vocabulary for too long, and the mind is working too hard to translate between the vocabulary of the two different languages. In this section I talk about methods which you can use to create really deep, strong, natural connections for English vocabulary, without relying on translation so much, which makes remembering the English vocabulary when speaking much, much easier. This is vocabulary which is harder to forget, just like the vocabulary of your first language. 2) Reading Fluency Strategies The second section focuses on reading strategies. For building vocabulary, some students like to create flash cards, or study vocabulary lists, or just rely on reading grammar books or course books. In this section I will explain how using some different reading strategies and different types of content can help you to build your vocabulary in a much more effective and natural way. The memorizing vocabulary technique should be used with these reading strategies together for the best results. I also talk about some ideas and resources that you can use to find the best reading material, depending on your level of reading fluency. Gaining a high level of reading fluency is hugely important before moving onto listening and speaking fluency, because it's the easiest and most logical to achieve first. 3) Listening Fluency Strategies Just like reading, developing listening fluency is hugely important for building a large English vocabulary, but it can be done the wrong way (mentally translating everything when listening) or it can be done the right way (the natural way of listening). I talk about how to you can improve your listening fluency by using certain strategies, and I talk about some resources/websites etc where you can find great listening content. Listening content that you will naturally be interested in. That is listening content for beginners, but also listening content for intermediate and advanced learners as well. Listening fluency is one of those skills that can really effect your speaking fluency because listening skills are so important for social situations and understanding what is going on in the conversation before you want to speak. But these listening skills can be improved by yourself, at home as well. 4) Speaking Fluency Strategies And to finish off the course, I'll talk about speaking fluency strategies. Speaking, especially in groups where everyone is trying to speak at once, where you need a high level of listening fluency so that you can understand everything, is the hardest language skill to master, as it also produces the most amount of nerves for students. In this section I talk about finding good situations to practice speaking English, and websites for finding great English teachers to practice speaking with. I'll also talk about a method which I use in my online classes to boost my students' speaking fluency by turning their "passive" vocabulary into "active" vocabulary using a very specific method which surprisingly isn't used by a lot of teachers. I'll also describe a speaking exercise which you can use at home by yourself, without paying for a teacher, which can improve your speaking skills. You won't have a teacher to correct your mistakes, but it's free to use! And lastly I'll talk a little about how this method can be used to improve your writing as well, and then I'll discuss the idea of moving to an English speaking country, and some of the bad habits that you should avoid, and some good habits that you should try to develop. If you have any questions about English fluency or improving your memorizing, reading, listening or speaking skills, please feel free to send me a message and we can have a chat about which ever topic you would like to talk about. Enjoy the course and take action!

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