Zero Point Yoga: Access Infinite Cosmic Power For Healing

Learn How To Channel the Unlimited Cosmic Energy of the Universe!
Instructed by: Tripura Yoga | Subject: Personal Development, Religion & Spirituality

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How would you like to begin enjoying more and more energy, and increasingly higher levels of vitality and inner power each and every day?! The ancient yogic science of mastering prana shakti, as presented in this 3D animated video course, teaches you to develop a heightened sensitivity to the bioenergetic field within and all around you, so you can conserve, multiply, and even consciously direct pranic energy! I am serious about seeing you succeed in learning this technique; so, in this new set of 8 videos I have included a PDF workbook and an mp3 audio companion for each session, so you’ll have all the tools and resources you need to start your own personal practice and quickly master the science of prana for yourself. Benefits: Learn an authentic yogic mediation style! Naturally triple your vitality levels! Encounter your own Atma Shakti (spiritual power)! Learn to heal your self and others with prana! Increase your natural energy levels, charisma, wit and magnetic appeal! Personally connect directly to the Unified Field of infinite power! Have more energy for higher awareness and to manifest the life of your dreams! Enjoy an authentic and high quality exotic yoga meditation course! There is no other course like this on the Internet! Guaranteed! That's because I personally designed, produced and edited this entire video series single-handedly (even learning 3D animation software)! I did this because I wanted to ensure that the quality and authenticity of the final product was top notch, and (most importantly) true to the authentic source. You see, I learned these techniques while living in a very remote and austere yoga ashram in northern India, where these very secret techniques have been passed down in an unbroken oral tradition since ancient times. I have done my best to present you with these techniques in their original and true form, just as countless others have learned them in millennia past. Now you can learn these previously hidden and very secret yogic techniques for your self! I am very excited and extremely honored to be able to offer my audience this set of very rare and potent yogic techniques and meditations to give you a powerful first hand personal experience of cosmic power and Universal Energy. Prana shakti is similar to the fuel in a rocket; the rocket can only go as high and as afar as it has the fuel to propel it. By increasing your own vital power you are able to have more consciousness, awareness and wakefulness; allowing you to learn, grow, evolve and interact with life on a much more deep and fulfilling level. With more Cosmic Energy you can quickly notice the opportunities all around you, as well as more easily remain proactive and effortlessly overcome procrastination. Your energetic reserves are turbocharged!

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