Invincible Creative Personality : Unleash Creative Forces

Discover 9 powerful personality traits of creative geniuses-Curiosity-Imagination-Intuition-High energy-Sensitivity...
Instructed by: Harshavardhan R R | Subject: Personal Development, Creativity

Invincible Creative Personality : Unleash Creative Forces Udemy Coupon


You may be intelligent but if you do not have the flare of curiosity, you cannot be an explorer. If you do not explore, you cannot know or learn new things. If you don't learn new things, you will soon become STUPID! You may be knowledgeable but if you do not have the power of imagination, you cannot fly away and discover new lands or compose or create new possibilities. If you don't create new possibilities, you become STUCK, BORING AND LIMITED. You may be skillful but without the capacity to work unhindered by embracing solitude, you will never create anything GREAT. You may be sharp but if you are not open to experiences, you cannot grow and mature by accumulating new and variety of experiences. What that means is that you remain AMATEUR throughout your life. you can be a genius but without the sufficient creative energy to manifest your creative undertaking into reality, you will always remain UNACCOMPLISHED. You may be brainy but if you don't access intuition, you cannot have breakthrough insights. Of course, without the breakthrough ideas, you will produce ORDINARY AND MEDIOCRE WORK. You may be exceptionally talented but without the necessary sensitivity, you will never be able to reach the HEARTS, or touch the SOULS, or blow the MINDS of other people. you may be resourceful but without the ability to stay calm and composed during the times of uncertainty, you will GET LOST FOR SURE and end up producing RANDOM WORK. you may know everything but without the courage and braveness to face challenges and take risks, you will never be SUCCESSFUL in your creative endeavors. As you can see for yourself, contrary to our belief that creativity is all about being talented, intelligent, skilled, knowledgeable or resourceful, rather it is more of having certain qualities or personality traits. Creativity is a natural outcome of having certain personality traits. NOW if you want to understand these qualities and build them into your creative personality so that creativity becomes a natural expression for you ... Then this is the RIGHT COURSE FOR YOU. These are the most important personality traits of creative people-.

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