Python For Machine Learning

Go from Complete Beginner to Ready to take on Machine Learning in one Course!
Instructed by: John Williams | Subject: Development, Programming Languages

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In this course we start from nothing, zilch, knowledge of Python. No knowledge of Machine Learning...and build you up gradually, one small piece at a time, to being able to understand and write complex Machine Learning models and experiments in Python. After you complete this course, you will have gone from babe in the woods to being able to damn near take on anything! Python is a general-purpose programming language that is probably the fastest growing computer language not only in academia but in industry. Python is simple, clean, easy and fast and lets programmers do more things with less and easier to understand code. Not only that, Python has many cool libraries that allow anyone to do sophisticated math, data operations, charting and analysis. This makes Python perfect for Machine Learning. There alot of great courses out there for Machine Learning...but this is just a basic Python course, whose goal is to teach you just enough Python so that you are ready to dive headfirst into Machine Learning. In this course I assume you know nothing, but the english language, how to operate your computer and some basic math. My goal in this course, as all my courses, is to make learning what could be considered a complicated topic, easy and fun. I’m sure we’ve all watched tutorials before where the instructor was teaching something complex and one minute we follow what he’s doing and then in the next second we’re completely lost. I do my best to not be that instructor and walk you through everything gradually, making sure that everything I show you is something you can do on your own. So please join me in this journey. Don’t just watch the videos but do the exercises and examples along with me. Download and play with the source code. Ask questions...interact with me and the other students...dont just take a course but make friends! Well enough of the intro...join me now in Python for Machine Learning.

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