Build an Elegant Website for Your Business with WordPress

Learn how to build a great looking WordPress website for selling and promoting your business
Instructed by: Alexander Oni | Subject: Development, Web Development

Build an Elegant Website for Your Business with WordPress Udemy Coupon


This is a free class designed for WordPress users who would like to learn how to build a business website either for themselves or for a client of theirs. For this class, we are going to build a business website for a fictional company known as Web Coders Inc. This is a company that specializes in web design and marketing among a few other web based services. We will be making use of theme known as Business X and also a few plugins to build out the entire website. The website will be made up of the following: A homepage 4 different pages for services A Portfolio A blog page The contact us page We will also flesh out the header and footer sections as well as add some designs to make the website look stylish.

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