Google Search Console Tutorial - 2018 New Interface

Learn How To Use the Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools) and Understand The Performance Of Your Website
Instructed by: Darren Taylor | Subject: Marketing, Digital Marketing

Google Search Console Tutorial - 2018 New Interface Udemy Coupon


The Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools) is a very powerful platform that not many people understand. It is a gateway into exactly how Google sees your website. It can help you spot errors, understand what search terms and keywords people are typing into Google to find your website and gives you a good indication of the appeal of your website against your competitors on the search results page. In this course, I will walk you though all of the reports within the Google Search Console, step by step. I'll show you how to interpret the data and what actions to take if there are issues on your website. If you want to truly understand the performance of your website, get started today by enrolling and harness the power of the Search Console.

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