Hands-on HADOOP Masterclass - Tame the Big Data!

Big Data, Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, HIVE, PIG, Mahout, NoSQL, Oozie, Flume, Storm, Avro, Spark, Sqoop, Cloudera and more
Instructed by: EDU CBA | Subject: Business, Data & Analytics

Hands-on HADOOP Masterclass - Tame the Big Data! Udemy Coupon


Learn from well crafted study materials on Big Data, Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, HIVE, PIG, Mahout, NoSQL, Oozie, Flume, Storm, Avro, Spark, Sqoop, Cloudera, Data Analysis, Survey Analysis, Data Management, Sales Analysis, salary Analysis, Traffic Analysis, Loan Analysis, Log Data Analysis, Youtube Data Analysis, Sensor Data Analysis. Learn by doing. Learn from hands-on examples of analyzing big data. Turn your Crafting ability which can be a mixed bag ranging from developers to data scientists using procedural languages in the Hadoop space. Discover and learn the fundamentals of Hadoop. Be a person comfortable in managing the development and deployment of Hadoop applications. What is Big Data Big data is a collection of large datasets which cannot be processed using the traditional techniques. Big data uses various tools and techniques to collect and process the data. Big data deals with all types of data including structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Big data is used in various fields data like Black box data Social media data Stock exchange data Power Grid Data Transport Data Search Engine Data Benefits of Big Data Big data has become very important and it is emerging as one of the crucial technologies in today’s world. The benefits of big data are listed below Big data can be used by the companies to know the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, promotions and other advertising media Big data helps the companies to plan their production Using the information provided through Big data companies can deliver better and quick service to their customers Big data helps in better decision making in the companies which will increase the operational efficiencies and reduces the risk of the business Big data handles huge volume of data in real time and thus enables data privacy and security to a great extent.


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