Learn React - The Complete Guide to Master React

ReactJS from Beginner to Advanced - The Only Guide you NEED to Learn React - Create a React APP from scratch
Instructed by: Hichem Med | Subject: Development, Web Development

Learn React - The Complete Guide to Master React Udemy Coupon


The Only Guide you NEED to Learn React - Learn ReactJS by Doing. If you want to become a front-end developer or a full stack developer, You must learn ReactJS, This JavaScript Library (React) is used by every giant web application, like Facebook, It is used at Facebook, Instagram, CodeAcademy... trust me React is everywhere. And also, React is not just limited to the web browser, It also runs on the server using nextJS (Next.js is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications), And if you think this is too much for ReactJS, Well it is not, you can even create desktop applications using ReactJS and also Mobile APPS using ReactNative! This course will teach everything you need to know about ReactJS ( I really mean everything you need! ) We will start off with the basics then step by step we move to the next level untill we reach advanced concepts, and by the end of this course, we will create a react app from Scratch (an app that uses the Google book API) ****here's what you will learn in this course*****: - Learn React ecosystem. - Master React components. - Learn how to manage props and state with React components. - Master JSX. - Master Data flow and events in React. - Master how to work with Forms in React. - Master Component's lifecycle. - Learn how to style React components. and the list is long... If you're a beginner, this course is for you, if you are an experienced developer, this course is also for you, I mean you will learn things even experienced developers don't know! So are you ready to learn this awesome JavaScript Library? I hope you are! See you soon!


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