Pre-Investing: Before Investing in Real Estate

What Future Real Estate Investors MUST Know Before Making Their 1st Investment
Instructed by: Symon He | Subject: Business, Real Estate

Pre-Investing: Before Investing in Real Estate Udemy Coupon


Have absolutely ZERO knowledge or experience in real estate investing but want to get started? But you're just not sure where to start? Do you feel overwhelmed with the seemingly endless choices and options available to a new investor? Should you start with fix & flips, rentals, wholesaling, lease options, etc...? There are so many options but what is a smart way to start for a new investor? WHAT SHOULD YOU KNOW BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST INVESTMENT? If you want to learn the most important real estate invest concepts and develop a solid foundation as a first step towards your real estate investing education, this is your course. I don't live in the US, is the material still useful for me? Yes! While the examples are using US properties because the vast majority of my students are from the US, ALL of the concepts taught and tools provided are just as useful for any market. In fact, I have students from over 190 countries who are learning and using the tools provided in the course to help them invest wherever they are located. How is this different from your other courses? My other real estate courses here are all focused primarily on investment analysis--one focusing on analyzing fix & flips and rental income properties, another that focus only on multifamily, and a third more comprehensive course that covers residential as well as a host of other commercial real estate scenarios. The other course all go deeper on the analysis but does not touch on many of the topics covered here. You can think of those courses as getting down to the ground level in terms of detail and this course is at the 30,000 feet level, just getting the main gist of things without getting you bogged down in numbers and details. What if I already have some real estate background? This course is NOT for you. This is meant for beginners and those who little to ZERO existing knowledge. Although I will say that some students with experience found this to be a nice refresher, especially the section on real estate cycles. Why is there so much math and numbers? Math is a necessary evil to understanding real estate investing. If you can't do the math, it'll be difficult for you to really get a firm grasp of the concepts. If/when you're confused, just leave a message in the forums--I usually respond within 48 hours. Btw, there is WAY more math in my other, more advanced courses. I've put the bare minimum here. Every serious investors needs to be able to do these investment calculations. Why do you use Excel so much? Good question. Analyzing real estate investments involves looking at the numbers and it's easiest to do so with spreadsheets, which is why I use Excel here extensively. But the good thing is you don't have to build any of the models yourself. You just need to be able to follow along and then you'll be able to use the models I give you. Can you make me rich by taking your course? No way! Not just from taking the course. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil. If you take my course AND apply the learnings to make smarter invests in the future, then you have a chance. What I can guarantee is that you will leave with some serious real estate investing knowledge and techniques. What else does this course cover besides real estate investing? This course is ALL about and ONLY the foundational real estate investing concepts.

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