How to Teach little Children. Course for Parents & Teachers

Future of the world depends on how the school & pre-school children are moulded today. Newborn babes are like angels.
Instructed by: Carlo Fernando | Subject: Teacher Training, Educational Development

How to Teach little Children. Course for Parents & Teachers Udemy Coupon


This course is the first of its kind so far. It will make you aware of the reasons for the sorry situation of the world today. Why humans kill other humans. Animals kill other animals through hunger and not through anger. How babies who are like angels drop their wings as they grow. You are required to think carefully about what is given in the course. You are also invited to contribute your ideas to make this infant course a mature and growing one. After following the course, you will start the project jointly with other students, to make this world free of violence and to make the next generation live a happy life. You will be a happy person too. Good luck

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