How to Start a WordPress Blog/Website - Practical Guide 2018

Learn step by step how to setup your own blog!
Instructed by: Hogan Chua | Subject: Development, Web Development

How to Start a WordPress Blog/Website - Practical Guide 2018 Udemy Coupon


In this course, you are going to learn how to start and setup your own professional blog using WordPress. This is NOT a course which teaches you how to write a viral blog post or how to avoid writers block. However, if you have been inspired to start a blog and not sure how to build one that suits your style and needs this is PERFECT! I'll be showing you how to do the following: 1) How to get your own domain name and hosting (special discount) 2) How to Install WordPress - Powers over 31% of the internet and used by top bloggers like Pat Flynn (Smartpassiveincome), Nomadic Matt and even Forbes, Katy Perry and Jay Z. 3) How to Install a Theme (Drag n Drop Builder) - Allowing you to create any sort of blog you like. 4) How to Add in Your Blog Posts (Images, Video and Links) 5) How to Display your Blog Posts anywhere 6) How to customize your sidebar 7) How to add an email opt-in to your blog 8) How to Add in Advertisements (Banners) anywhere - Generate ad revenue or affiliate income. 9) How to use Layouts to Speed up the Process of Building 10) How to Use Plugins that add extra Functionality to Blog (i.e. Instagram Feed or a Contact form) 11) How to Add an Shop to your Blog - Perfect for selling your own merchandise or eBooks for an extra revenue stream. 12) and More coming soon... If you want to start a blog and not sure how, or you've installed WordPress and not sure what to do next this course will guide you through step by step how to set it up properly. You don't need any coding knowledge, html or have any previous skills. No expensive software, everything you need I'll show you how to get for free or inexpensively. Enrol TODAY, it's FREE!

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