Web Development Fast Track

HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL - master the foundations of web development.
Instructed by: Ruben Giuliani | Subject: Development, Web Development

Web Development Fast Track Udemy Coupon


Hello! Welcome to my course! I am very glad you are interested in making websites and I am excited to be sharing this wonderful world with you! Given the number of resources to learn web development online I have always been disappointed by the lack of a complete and comprehensive overview of web development. All the courses I have seen are either: Too complex and full of details of one-off scenarios without having established a solid understanding of the basics. Too simple and not providing sufficient information to get you started building websites. With this course I want to offer a balance which I truly would have loved to have when I was learning. I will do this by teaching you both: The full foundation of web development, understanding how websites and the web actually work and getting to know the elements that go into making a full stack application. The ins and outs of all the foundation technologies of web development: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL. Going in-depth and giving you great amount of detail to assure complete mastery of each by the end. I have seen that other courses try to teach many more types of languages (XML, NodeJS, NPM, ExpressJS, REST, PassportJS, MongoDB...), but unfortunately this results in both a lot of confusion and each of them being understood at a far lesser level of detail. The truth is that all the other technologies that are used in web development are just variations of the ones that I will teach you. So instead of learning many different syntaxes that you may never use again, with this course you will achieve a high level of understanding of each of the most important languages, which will get you making websites sooner and will give you a grounding which you can then experiment with and expand in the future, if you wish. In this way, by the end of the course you will be a fully fledged web developer who will be both: Apt with the process of creating a full stack website from start to finish. Making the content Styling Making it interactive Making it dynamic Equipped with extensive knowledge about each specific technology, allowing you to build complex sites from scratch. Basically, just by taking this fast-track course you will be able to: Make your own personalised sites from scratch. Get employed as a professional web developer (salary ranging from $50000 pa for a junior developer to more than $120000 for senior dev). Work as a freelance web developer (typical rate ranging from $30 per hour for a beginner to upwards of $150 per hour for a more experienced developer ). Call yourself a professional web developer!


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