React-Redux: Refactor a React web app into using Redux

Master and learn the React-Redux official bindings
Instructed by: Thomas Weibenfalk | Subject: Development, Programming Languages

React-Redux: Refactor a React web app into using Redux Udemy Coupon


In this course you will learn how to use the react-redux bindings.. We'll refactor and modify an IMDB style React DB Web Application to use Redux. My main goal with this course is to mix fun with teaching. This course uses the exact same web application that we're building in my course Master React the fun way! Create a Movie App from scratch. Therefore this is a perfect continuation of that course if You want to learn how react-redux work. Otherwise it is fully possible to just take this course. The starter files will contain the completed app from the other course. There's many tutorials and courses out there that are great but too complex and focus on a lot at the same time. My focus is to keep my teaching style fun and "down to earth". Hope you enjoy it too! Please make sure to download the STARTER FILES from the resources! PLEASE NOTE! We're using a free API key from The Movie Database in this course. This is a great API with a lot of information about Movies and TV Series. Please note that I can not guarantee that the API key i have provided for the course will work forever. Therefore I will not take responsibility for this. I strongly recommend you to get your own free API key from The Movie Database. Just register for a free account at The Movie Database and go to your account setting area and select API in the menu. There you can register for your own free API key. In this course you'll learn: - What is React-Redux bindings - Use the React-Redux bindings and redux for managing state in the app - Refactor an app from scratch for using Redux with React. - How to split Your code into Presentational and Container Components - Learn about Higher Order Functions - Use SessionStorage to persist state

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