The New "Build Your Brand" Foundation Course

Develop your strategy, clarify your message, build your brand. A step-by-step process to brand empowerment and sales.
Instructed by: Skot Waldron | Subject: Marketing, Branding

The New


Should you take this course? I designed this course for small business owners, entrepreneurs, or individuals that are frustrated with: A lack of brand awareness. A lack of understanding about who they are, what they do, or how they are different from the competition. A lack of focus when it comes to your core audience and how you can make their lives better. A lack of structure and strategy when it comes to their own brand. I want to help take you from a feeling of unstructured, frustrated, and lost, to a feeling of empowerment and security when it comes to your brand. Why take this Course? Tactics fail. Strategy is there for the long term. Websites, email campaigns, logo, tagline, social media posts, etc. are all bound to change or even fail from time to time. They should fail. That’s how we learn. If you have a strategy in place, you will not be shaken by failure. Your strategy will keep you disciplined to follow your original vision and plan for your business. After all, at the end of the day, all you have is your brand. Make sure you understand what your brand represents and how you want to be perceived by everyone else. Course Overview We will cover 4 different topics that I’ve used for almost two decades with companies large and small to build their brands. They include: How to create more brand loyalty with your audience. - No one else will help you understand this more than I will. I’ll walk you through something that you already know and feel, but haven’t identified yet as a necessary component to building your brand. Identify your target audience. - Persona templates are all over the internet. I’ve used dozens of them. I will give you the absolute necessary questions you need to help you understand your audience better. Elevator pitch. - I will give you a simple formula to help you stand out from the crowd and help people remember you. Clarify your message so people will listen. - I see a lot of noise when it comes to people’s marketing materials. That’s because they don’t have a clear and simple way to talk about themselves. They don’t understand the simple framework I’ll teach you in this section. >> This course is NOT a “secret pill.” This course takes some work. You will NOT see results unless you do the work and put everything I teach you into action. You MUST use your brain. I show you the way but you have to walk the path. << Who is the target audience? Small business owners or individuals looking to build a strategy, clarify their message, and build a well positioned brand. Those who are frustrated because they don't know how to talk about what they do in a way that causes people to listen. Those who feel unorganized and scattered when it comes to their brand identity. Those who need more structure and someone to hold their hand through the branding process.

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