Cloud Computing BOOTCAMP- AWS and IBM Bluemix

from Beginner to Advanced Level
Instructed by: Harshit Srivastava | Subject: Development, Web Development

Cloud Computing BOOTCAMP- AWS and IBM Bluemix Udemy Coupon


In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. Learn all the available services under catalog, and what we can do with each service provided with platform and Infrastructure categories. This course covers wide range of AWS services including- STORAGE Services- S3, Glacier, EBS, EFS, Storage Gateway COMPUTE Services- EC2, Beanstalk, Lambda, Container, Lightsail, VPC DATABASE Services- DynamoDB, Elasticache, RDS, Redshift ANALYTICS Services- Kinesis, EMR MOBILE Services- Mobile Hub, AppSync, DeviceFarm, Pinpoint ACCESS MANAGEMENT- IAM, Cognito, CloudWatch We will be learning each of them in some depth building practical demonstration, and certain projects on topics like Lambda, IAM, API Gateway, etc. At later parts we would develop and deploy our test applications on AWS. We would explore IBM Cloud- Bluemix. Learn all the available services under catalog, and what we can do with each service provided with platform and Infrastructure categories. This course covers- Storage, Network, Boilerplates, DevOps, Mobile, Analytics, Watson, CloudFoundry, Kubernetes, etc At later parts we would develop and deploy our test applications on Bluemix. Who is the target audience? Anyone who just wants to learn and test Amazon Web Services Platform or any developer willing to develop his/her application over Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. Anyone who just wants to learn and test IBM Cloud Platform or any developer willing to develop his/her application over IBM Cloud- Bluemix.

Course Info