Microsoft Excel Simulations

Learn Excel Simulations and bring out together loads of excel skills
Instructed by: Institute of Investment Banking | Subject: Office Productivity, Microsoft

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Excel simulations help in investigating a real-life phenomenon, process, problem using a model. This approach is automated one, result oriented, interactive and also user friendly. This method of working around with your data makes it challenging, creative and fun. These simulations actually bring out together loads of excel skills. These online tutorials are indeed self-paced and one can easily make way and learn business intelligence and understand the importance of data trending and create valuable data visualizations. We are going to learn the entire simulations procedure wherein we will understand various functions such as Data Simulation, single reference simulation, grid reference simulation, chart simulation, goal seek etc. Who is the target audience? Commerce students Students from the business administration Working professionals who go through the hectic working schedule of same repetitive work every day Anyone who wants to learn excel simulations

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