4 easy and quick meals : with no meat

discover moroccan food and learn how to make some moroccan food
Instructed by: Bader Serkouh | Subject: Lifestyle, Food & Beverage

4 easy and quick meals : with no meat Udemy Coupon


Moroccan cuisine has been one of the most diverse in the world since ancient times. This is due to Morocco's interaction with the outside world for centuries. It is a mixture of the Arab and the Maghreb, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Africa. So,in this video i tried to show you how to prepare some moroccan food .At the beginning of the video, i started with a food called MAAKOUDA,consisting mainly of cooked potatoes and some spices. then,i moved to prepare another food called KRACHEL : is a brioche tha is flavored with anise seeds,this brioche is often served for breakfast with coffee or tea. after that , i moved to another classic moroccan street food item called : TAYEB OHARI which means cooked and soft . Then, i moved to another food called : coconut macaroons is a coconut cookies.


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