SQL for Newcomers - A Free Course

A 110% free course to teach you how to SQL.
Instructed by: Sameh Sharaf | Subject: Development, Databases

SQL for Newcomers - A Free Course Udemy Coupon


Hi! I'm Sameh Sharaf. I am a data engineer. I have worked on data for about 8 years now so I guess I can say I'm experienced! This course will teach you how to use SQL (Structured Query Language), a language so prominent for relational databases, databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLlite and more. SQL now is a great skill to have if you want to work as a data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, database administrator or even a developer or software engineer, since all such titles need to use databases and data in a daily basis. I'm a beginner, is this course for me? Sure! This course was done for beginners. Even students with experience in SQL may find it useful too to memorize some keywords and functions, as well as learning more about the bits they may miss. Is there any prerequisites to attend this course? The only thing you need is a PC or laptop with average performance with any operating system installed on it. We'll be using Windows 10 for this course but the OS does not matter since the tech we'll be using is cross-platform and can work on Linux and Mac.


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