Story Structure: Step-by-Step

This course unlocks the secrets of writing story structures in simple-to-follow ways that will bring results fast!
Instructed by: Emma Noah | Subject: Personal Development, Creativity

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Shape Your Story Like a Pro If you have a phenomenal story to tell but find you can’t quite make it flow or form in a natural, yet moving way, Story Structure will transform your approach to writing and make your novel a compelling and addictive read. Crammed full of tricks and tips to help both beginner and advanced authors complete their books in an enticing way. Get Your Acts Together Each chapter is dedicated to one aspect of story structures, and begins with a 9-Step Process to dividing up your tale; which includes: STEP ONE: The First Act – Introducing characters & what is at stake STEP TWO: The First Major Plot Point – How to leave readers wanting more STEP FIVE: Second Half of the Second Act – The need to support the protagonist STEP SEVEN: Third Act – Protagonist is forced to face the enemy before being ready Noah uses examples to drive home how developing a strong story structure is important to help maintain focus, enrich plot ideas and provide a bird’s-eye view of whether your novel is working. The Need to Answer Why? Story Structure elicits the need to pay attention to how your characters develop as the plot unfolds, and acts as a framework to write in a manner that will heighten the reader’s curiosity and desire to see them grow. Noah describes how to explain the reasons characters may often act highly irrational in various situations, through character-driven and action-driven change. She illustrates how being able to answer “why?” deepens a reader’s emotional investment in them and serves to create a gripping page-turner! What’s Coming Next? Mastering the Art of Suspense… A good story keeps readers wondering how events are going to unfold and how they will impact the lives of your characters. Noah guides the author through Ten Tips to Create Suspense: Understand Your Genre Provide Adequate Viewpoints Put Time on Your Side Keep the Stakes High Don’t Be Afraid to Apply Pressure Make Use of Dilemmas Complicate Things Avoid Becoming Predictable Develop Your Villain Develop Your Hero Tips from Experienced Authors The final chapter gives a look behind-the-scenes at the thinking of real authors and their recommendations regarding whether to adopt traditional structures for your genre or research new ones, how and when to modify a structure template, and the ways to hide structure in your writing. Story Structure is an indispensable guide for serious authors wanting write professionally. One Click Away from Getting Amazing Results Fast! A must-have course for storytellers wishing to create compelling tales of suspense and drama that will keep the reader glued to the pages. Click Enroll Now to learn the art of story structure and write like a pro!

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