Top Recruiting Skills from A to Z. Psychology of recruitment

Learn how to create a recruiting strategy from A to Z, master psychology of recruitment and interviewing skills.
Instructed by: Georgia Sas | Subject: Business, Human Resources

Top Recruiting Skills from A to Z. Psychology of recruitment Udemy Coupon


This course is a complete BLUEPRINT in recruitment and guides you step by step through the recruitment strategy steps, helps you transform completely your recruiting career. The recruiter's skills are very important for recruitment success! Where? First, when analysing the needs of recruitment. In this course you will learn how to calculate future needs and how to make the recruitment process more efficient. The best recruitment strategy starts with identifying the need for recruitment. Then we will talk about sourcing strategy where it is very important to contour the more specific job description possibly, we will get to how to create a recruitment advertisement adjusted to the candidate s profile. What does it mean? Well, it means that after many studies and researches, it has been discovered that WORDING is the key to success when creating a job advert. I don’t want to tell you more, I will just leave you with this: "It has been shown that the use of words perceived as masculine, such as "assertive" or "aggressive," can cause women who are perfectly qualified for the job not to send their resume. This is because, while men apply to jobs for which they are 60% qualified, women apply only to jobs where they feel 100% qualified, according to the phenomenon known as the "confidence gap". If women perceive that they do not fit perfectly with the description of the job, both in terms of skill and personality, they give up, while men are less concerned about this match. " I will show you during the course how to formulate a recruitment ad and why you need to keep in mind when creating it, what researchers have discovered and how you can benefit from it. It's not enough to have a 100% tailor-made ad on the profile you're looking for if you do not know where to post it. About the places where you can post ads to attract as many candidates as possible, I will teach you in this course, as well. The success of the recruitment begins with the sourcing stage that plays an extremely important role. If this first step is not done carefully, the entire recruitment process may suffer. The ad could pull inappropriate applicants with undesirable profiles, and profiles that are really suited to the job may not be attracted by the ad due to the way the announcement is formulated or because the responsibilities of the job are not clearly stated, skills required ... or simply because the ad, whether structured perfectly, did not reach the candidate by any method of promotion used. So, this course will help you avoid these defining mistakes. The recruitment process consists of two stages, and the second stage is the selection where the employer has the power to choose from the applications received. Selection is a multi-step process starting with CVs selection , followed by the interview stage which can start with the telephone interview or directly with the face to face interview. For the phone interview, I prepared for you a downloadable form to filter your candidates and to get to a shorter list for the face to face interview. During the face to face interview, various techniques are used by recruiters, such as the STAR interview technique which is one of the most common interview techniques. This technique is a behavioural interview technique based on questions that reveal the candidate's competences and skills based on his past behaviour.We will get in the details of this technique throughout the course as well as Francoise Petit's 3-point analysis technique and many more.

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