Unity Basics: A Monetised Android/iOS Game in 4 Hours.

Unity, Basic 3D Game Design with C# Coding. Monetise your games with Ad Support. Suitable for Beginners - Intermediate
Instructed by: David McDonald | Subject: Development, Game Development

Unity Basics: A Monetised Android/iOS Game in 4 Hours. Udemy Coupon


In 2013 Dong Nguyen spent 2-3 days making a simple mobile game called Flappy Bird which went on to earn $50,000 a day in ad-sense revenue. In the last half of 2018, it's not uncommon for a single mobile game to pull in over 1 million dollars a DAY in micro-transactions and ad-sense revenue. In this course, we will be be making a simple but addictive mobile game, that we will monetise with ads in only 4 hours. We will cover; Installing and Using Unity, Mobile Setup, Variables & Functions, Materials, 3D Models, Player Movement, Mobile Input, Camera Movement, Adjusting Player Models, Project Management, Prefabricated Objects, Grouping Prefabs, Score System, Procedural Level Generation, Object Spawning, Randomised Game Design, Curved World Shader Implementation, Object Memory Management, Menu Systems, Menu Layouts, Menu Animations, Pause Menu, Saving & Loading Data, Unity Ads, Monetisation Design Principles.


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