Effective Time Management

How to Become More Productive by Managing Your Time More Effectively
Instructed by: ZandaX Ltd | Subject: Personal Development, Productivity

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Nothing is required apart from the PC or device with wi-fi capabilities in order to run the course. Description MODULE 1: How to Prioritize This module contains: Benefit versus Effort Urgent versus Important Why We Need Time Management Values and Priorities The Prioritization Grid MODULE 2: Time Robbers This module contains: Time Robbers Imposed by Others Time Robbers Imposed by You MODULE 3: Planning Your Work This module contains: Benefits of Planning Guidelines and Tools for Efficient Planning The Difference Between Planning and Scheduling Five Minutes Before the Hour MODULE 4: The Four D's This module contains: What makes the 4 Ds easy Guidelines for Keeping a Piece of Paper Dump, Delay, Delegate and Do Using the 4 Ds MODULE 5: How to Delegate Effectively This module contains: What is Delegation? The Five Levels of Delegation Five Steps to Delegation Keeping Responsibility When You Cannot Delegate MODULE 6: Setting SMART Goals for Yourself This module contains: Why You Need to Set Goals NOW Knowing What You Want to Accomplish The Three Ps of Goals SMART Goals MODULE 7: Techniques for Getting Organized This module contains: The Need for Organization Organizing your Day - Using a "To Do" List Pareto - the 80-20 Rule - and Quick Wins Organizing your Workspace Effective E-mail Operation The Batching Technique Streamlining Your Approach with STING Meetings and Phone Calls MODULE 8: Time Mapping This module contains: Using Technology Productivity Analysis Scheduling of Demanding Tasks What is a Time Map? Who this course is for: Don't think that this course is just about working in the office. Sure, time management has great relevance to everything in a typical day at work. But what about getting things done at home, or planning a social event? And fitting it all in with everything else? Do you often have several things that need to be done – and several people screaming at you to get them done? What's your plan? Modern life is hectic, and if we want to keep up, we need to manage our time properly. This course will show you time management from several angles and we'll teach you simple ways of making your life more productive – and less stressful. This time management skills training course, like all our courses, has been developed over many years of classroom delivery. Content has been thoroughly researched and is constantly updated so it's always leading edge. It's delivered by professional presenters and is full of practical knowledge and solutions. Still wondering whether to do the course? Just think about this: how much would your life benefit if you had better time management skills?


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