How to write sales page for your info product (copywriting)

Write a persuasive sales page for your courses or books (persuasion and copywriting)
Instructed by: Heba Mahdy | Subject: Marketing, Copywriting

How to write sales page for your info product (copywriting) Udemy Coupon


Imagine having the best sales person who believes in your products, works 24/7, can be in a million places at once, and doesn't demand a paycheck! And is selling your products like crazy! Sounds like a fluff. Huhh? Especially if you are feeling the frustration and overwhelming with all the hard work but still your sales number is way less than your desire, Right? I’ll tell you how it is possible to persuade your customers in the next few minutes but first please let me tell you a small true story. Once upon a time I had a struggling online business. In the best month, I’d had 10 sales. I wished there was a magic fairy with a golden wand that will say abracadabra and I’ll have at least 10 sales a day (I was so desperate, can you imagine?). Then one day, I read a sales page about a copywriting course. It was so persuasive that I pulled my credit card to buy the product with no hesitation. Then I my eyes were opened to a whole new Path … I can sell my products using words … what? I used to write something li ''Hey, I made a product called …. Click here to get it for 9 USD.'' But guess what .. No one bought it Why? What a weird sales message I had written .. No benefits… No results .. No credibility … plus no persuasion My main obstacle was that all professional sales page were so perfect with all the design and professional photos plus many many books and tips and tricks to test. That will cost by the minimum 1000 USD to buy all these products and 100s of hours to study them. Why they are making it so hard for bootstrapped busy start-up to do his job in selling his products? As a bootstrapped start-up I had to figure how to write a persuasive sales page with little or no cost at all and in the min. time possible…. Would you like to know what I did? I studied psychology of copywriting (which is sales in print), made my own checklist and the templates and My own step by step system Want my step by step system? By the way my name is Heba Mahdy .. I help microbusiness owners turn their business from money eating monster to a cash pumping ATM using marketing psychology. You probably want to know the persuasive formula that I used? it is a simple step by step process with templates, checklist and working examples. When you apply this formula in less than one week you will have your persuasive sales page Ok, you want to put your hands on the step by step process? Just click on the button enroll in this course , add your payment details Voila … you have access to my formula, template and checklist.

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